
PumaFlow is Beicip-Franlab’s new generation reservoir simulator featuring rigorous physical formulations, high performance computing and a brand new user-oriented interface. PumaFlow has been validated by Beicip-Franlab and its clients on some of the world’s largest and most complex oil fields in the Middle East, Africa, Latin America and Russia. It is compliant with industry standards, compatible with other simulators and is seamlessly integrated with the most sophisticated reservoir engineering workflows.


Development & Production

Versatile Calculator & Rigorous Physical Formulations

When it comes to assess tectonically complex basins featuring listric, reverse, strike slip faults, thrust folds and/or salt movements, conventional basin models are not sufficient. The vertical shear backstripping method commonly used for basin reconstruction through time reaches its limits and does not allow to properly model the basin deformation history. This type of basins requires a step by step restoration.

KronosFlow stands out from other restoration packages through its ability to honor the structural restoration of a basin without compromising the quality of the petroleum system modeling. Featuring a unique and innovative geo-mechanical deformation engine, KronosFlow is indeed able to provide geologically accepted scenarios while preserving the deformation of the internal mesh for accurate mass balance. This mesh deformation is critical to take into account properly porous medium deformation, heat transfer, hydrocarbon generation and fluids migration through geological times. It allows in the end quantitative predictions on pressure generation and hydrocarbon accumulations.

Unrivaled Scalability & Performances

PumaFlow numerical solvers and numerical schemes (SOLSS, IMPES, IMPEX and AIM) have been relentlessly optimized. They leverage computer configuration through unrivaled scalability across cluster nodes, adopting innovative solving algorithms and by optimizing domains partitioning. PumaFlow allows running very large models with performance improvement, often up to 64 cores. PumaFlow runs on Linux and Windows platforms.

Next Generation User-Interface

PumaFlow comes with an innovative approach to the user interface, using an industry-standard computer environment and supported by a relational database. All the static and dynamic parameters and input data used by the simulation can be interactively and graphically input, controlled and modified in seconds. PumaFlow can also run using traditional keyword files. It comes with modern graphically-oriented post-processing capabilities allowing instant analysis of the results of multiple simulation runs. The post-processing is also fully compatible with Eclipse, VIP/Nexus and CMG simulators.

Key Benefits

  • All-in-one fully interactive platform including model preparation, simulation, post-processing, PVT package, uncertainties and assisted history matching
  • Unrivaled scalability and performances on black-oil and dual medium
  • Versatile simulator including all options (Black Oil, Compositional, Dual Medium, Shale Gas, Chemical EOR) in one calculator
  • Excellence in physics

Product Sheet

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+603 2165 1700

+603 2165 1709

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Suite 18-16, G-Tower 199 Jalan Tun Razak 50400 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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